Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blender Cookies

I love my blender. It's black and cute and has sharp blades. And it also moonlights as a food processor.

This came in handy when I re-attempted to make Mr. Boyfriend's almondine cookies (finally!).

Almond cookies are surprisingly easy to make. AND (big AND, hence the caps) the recipe I used had absolutely no fat in it.

Naturally, the absence of oil or butter or anything fatty seemed like a mistake, but I decided to take the recipe for it's word and go for it.

Oh, and I finally remembered to buy the almond extract.

Overall, the output was pretty good. The recipe called for oiling the cookie sheet and placing parchment paper over it, but it made the bottoms of the cookies burn and a little greasy so next time I might skip the oil.

It also seemed as though it was missing some essential spices. Next time I might add some nutmeg or cinnamon. Definitely needs a kick.

And now I bring you PICTURES!

(Egg whites are so easy to turn into this creamy, shiny awesomeness 
with a hand mixer. Why I waited so long to get one is beyond me.)

Icing: Pixies - Debaser